Renewal of Membership / Update of Personal Particulars
Thank you for your support to HKPNA.
Please complete the Membership Application/Renewal Form and return it to the “Hon. Dep Secretary, Ms. NG Lai Sze, Maxica, Ward A9, QEH, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.” together with a cheque made payable to "Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association Ltd”.
Application forms can also be obtained from HKPNA coordinator of your institution or download from our web site. HKPNA values every communication channel to keep you informed of the most update information, kindly furnish the email address when returning the completed form. Life Members are also welcome to update any personal particulars annually and furnish your email address using the same application form and return to the Hon. Dep Secretary, Ms. NG Lai Sze, Maxica.
Members' Communication Channel
HKPNA treasures every idea and comment from members. Please forward your suggestions or input in writing to either the President, Ms TANG Sze Kit , 6W ward, 6th Floor, Tower B, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, or the Hon. Secretary, Ms CHAN Choi Yee Josie, ACC, 2/F, Tower B, Hong Kong’s Children’s Hospital
Contributions to HKPNA Newsletter
The HKPNA newsletter will be published four-monthly. Articles such as case studies, research findings, work reports and members' views and ideas are welcome. Please send your contribution directly to Ms Lee WIng Ki, Peggy, Ward 5 N , 5/F Tower B Hong Kong Children Hospital .
Tel no:3513 3461 or Fax no: 5741 3419
OR via Hospital Coordinators.
Please note that:
- Submission should preferably be no more than 250 words.
- Related photographs with subtitles can also be submitted.
- Author's name and contact details should be enclosed.
- Submitted paper will be returned only upon request.
- The Editorial Committee reserves the right to select or reject the publishing of the submitted article.